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Parent Resources

Attendance Resources

  • Attendance Works
  • We encourage all students to attend school every day leading up to the break. Missing even a few days can make it challenging for students to catch up on lessons and activities. You can help reinforce the importance of education by ensuring your child arrives on time and ready to learn. If your child will need to be absent, please notify the school as soon as possible.
  • Here are a few things you can do to support your child’s attendance:
    • Plan Appointments Carefully: Whenever possible, arrange doctor, dentist, and other appointments outside of school hours. School breaks are a great opportunity to do so!
    • Stay Connected with the School: If your child is having trouble with school, transportation, or attendance, reach out to the school for support. 
    • Highlight the Value of School: Talk to your child about how going to school every day helps them learn, build friendships, and succeed in the future.
    • Praise Regular Attendance: Celebrate and reward your child for showing up consistently to keep them motivated.
  • Not sure when your scheduled breaks are? Visit our calendars page to see when your Traditional and Year-Round School breaks are here!

Anti-Vaping/Tobacco Use Support

HUSD is committed to fostering a healthy environment for our children and families. Beginning in March 2025, Parent University will launch a workshop series in partnership with Alameda County Office of Education's Student Health & Safety Services Department to offer families practical tools to talk about youth vaping and tobacco misuse, how to recognize vaping products, and much more. More information on the series and registration instructions will be released soon, but until then we encourage families to use the resources below to support the current youth vaping epidemic: